
User-focused Commerce marketer. Currently empowering the underdog @ Mailchimp.

Businesses I’ve Transformed.

  • Data-Driven Home Services Marketing

    Home Services business that focuses on installation projects for DIFM (Do-It-For-Me) customers. During my time there I managed a $6M annual marketing budget, executed on data-driven campaigns including: social media campaigns, TV, CRM, PR partnerships, and events.

  • Home Services Installation iOS Application

    Our sales management product team built and maintained a iOS app that supported sales consultants when selling installation services to our customers. Responsible for their executive communication and project management, I owned over +30 feature and product roadmaps across 5 balanced teams.

  • Home Depot eCommerce Experience

    Home Depot’s eCommerce site is a $33B business and sells over 4M products per day. I worked with cross-functional teams to build strategic plans and execute across +100 web pages. This included: site taxonomy strategy, data management, large-scale online events, creative strategy, and feature launches.


What I Have Achieved (& Learned).

“I did what my conscience told me to do, and you can’t fail if you do that.”

Anita Hill